
Michael Raedecker
John Chilver, 2020
demo: Michael Raedecker
Publisher: GRIMM Amsterdam (NL)
Dimensions: 22 x 15 cm | 8 5/8 x 5 7/8 in
Pages: 64
ISBN: 978-90-813137-8-0
€ 25.00


demo is ongoing series of small-scale paintings that Michael Raedecker refers to as his studies. The historical convention of artists’ studies acting as cursory observations, the steps of a process, is the subject of Raedecker’s inquiry and explored as a metaphorical framework. As in a study, the intuitive mark-making of fast pencil lines, or the splattering and dripping of paint is present, however they are controlled simulations of this process, executed through the rigorof embroidery. While the repetition of images seems to communicate through small variations, the ebb and flow of time, Raedecker’s paintings do not reveal the secrets of this parallel world. They suggest, but never reveal what may unfold in the haunting nocturnal light.

Design: Sebastiaan Brandsen

Texts: John Chilver
Editors: Jorien de Vries
Printed: die Keure, Belgium

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