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Press release

The Fries Museum is hosting the contemporary art exhibition Seeds of Memory.

In this large group exhibition, the artists use traces of the past to tell stories. They depict memories and histories that may have taken place or have been invented, restructuring facts into a new story. These stories unfold in imaginative works in which landscapes, animals, materials and objects are always the starting points.

Saskia Noor van Imhoff’s oeuvre examines systems, hierarchical structures and ideas about collecting. While addressing the underlying dynamics that lead to decisions about what we keep for the future, and what we decide to dispose of, she questions the idea of a collection as a knowledge system and a mechanism that selects, differentiates and classifies. 

For this exhibition, Van Imhoff developed a room-filling installation based on her ongoing research. The installation is rooted in Van Imhoff’s own life: a nineteenth-century farmhouse, its land, and her studio in Gaasterland. Among other things, she examined the growth patterns of the farm’s wooden trusses and traced their place of origin, making them an example of how materials can be repositories of memories.

For more information, please visit the website of the Fries Museum website.