Nummer vijftien, at war with oneself

Guido van der Werve
Nummer vijftien, at war with oneself: Guido van der Werve
Publisher: Revolver Publishing, Berlin (DE)
Dimensions: 265 x 235 mm | 10.4 x 9.3 in
Pages: 256
ISBN-13: 9783868953121
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As the protagonist of his own films, Dutch video and performance artist Guido van der Werve makes great physical demands upon himself. His works chart approaches to the experience of self and the world by staging an existentialist competition with himself. However, he not only documents the realisation of the conceived events; this documentation is also taken as a starting point from which to condense them into complex narratives about physical endurance, struggling with (one’s own) nature, the passage of time, and the uncontrollable dynamics of chance.

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