Who can afford to feed more ghosts

Arturo Kameya
Published by GRIMM on the occasion of "En esa pulga se mezcla nuestra sangre. In that flea, our blood mixes.", the artist's first solo exhibition with the gallery at its New York location., 2021
Hard cover with linen
Who can afford to feed more ghosts: Arturo Kameya
Publisher: GRIMM Amsterdam (NL)
Dimensions: 216 x 145 mm | 85 1/8 x 57 1/8 in
Pages: 112
ISBN: ISBN 978-90-831888-4-3
Sold out


Design: Lorenza Brancadoro

Texts: Arturo Kameya, Madelon van Shie 
Editors: Lorenza Brancadoro, Sebastiaan Brandsen, Jorien de Vries, Michael Plunkett and Margot Samel

Printed: robstolk® Amsterdam

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