Gabriella Boyd joins RIA Residency in Scotland

We are pleased to announce that London-based artist Gabriella Boyd will return to Scotland following her first instutional solo exhibition Presser at Cample Line to join the Roberts Institute of Art Residency programme. 


Gabriella will use the time offered by the residency to think about the representation of the body within her work. More specifically, our relationships with the vulnerable body and the meeting point between science and our perception of the internal body. She plans to visit and research the anatomical collection of The Hunterian in Glasgow by drawing and studying some of their medical objects and specimens.


For Boyd, (b.1988), painting is often an act of translation from the interior or verbal, into the exterior and visual. As psychological and literal spaces collide, Boyd explores and collapses the distinction between interior and exterior states by bringing together representational motifs with purely symbolic structures or diagrammatic forms.

September 21, 2024