"Van Doesburg (2)" (2021) by Matthias Weischer acquired by the AkzoNobel Art Foundation, Amsterdam

GRIMM is pleased to announce the recent acquisition of Matthias Weischer's Van Doesburg (2) (2021) by the AkzoNobel Art Foundation, Amsterdam (NL).

Matthias Weischer is fascinated by the illusion of space and his work explores ways of depicting his immediate surroundings by ways of the interior, landscape and stage settings. The artist carefully arranges and orchestrates real life compositions in his studio from which he draws inspiration. Weischer frequently references art history and brings homage to painters who came before him, from Ingres to Manet, Giotto to Van Doesburg by making references to their work in his paintings.

Weischer’s new paintings continue a layered, collage-like approach with emphasis on the domestic realm. The exhibition includes several pairs of paintings, very similar in composition. These works challenge the viewer to look very closely and observe how each painting differs from the other, defying the notion of the quick glance and forcing upon the viewer the actual experience of seeing through comparison.


Exhibition history: 

Spiegels, GRIMM, Amsterdam (NL), 4 November 2021 - 8 January 2022

February 26, 2022