
Eric White’s paintings reference 20th century film, music and pop culture backed by consummate draftsmanship and painterly finesse to subvert and recode the dominant narratives of contemporary society. White’s paintings are constructed from elements of our collective consciousness, overflowing with an entropic visual overload.

His approach to figuration is both beautiful and disturbing. Whether expressed blatantly or in a subtler manner, his work attempts to tap into those realities and dimensions that exist beyond the fringe of our perception. White found a way to celebrate the sounds he treasures by re-imagining the album covers of his favorite rock and pop musicians. Although the record cover is the point of departure, the artist takes the opportunity to explore a variety of painting styles, puns, and parodies. 

Eric White (b. in 1968 Ann Arbor, MI, US) lives and works in Los Angeles and New York. He received his BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design in 1990. He served as adjunct professor at the School of Visual Arts from 2006 - 2013. In 2010, White received a Painting Fellowship from the New York Foundation for the Arts. His work has been featured in exhibitions in museums including the Laguna Art Museum in California (US); Long Beach Museum of Art in Los Angeles, CA (US); Museo de la Ciudad de México (MX); De Bond Museum in Bruges (BE); MACRO Museum in Rome (IT) and The American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore, MD (US).